Our Pastor
The Reverend Doctor Thomas Edward Massey, Jr., Senior Pastor
“I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.”
(Jeremiah 3:15)
God’s Plan
“To God be the glory for the wonderful things he has done.” After seventeen months of praying by the New Zion Baptist Church Family, the Lord dispatched a preaching, teaching, and singing man of God to shepherd his flock. Dr. Massey became Senior Pastor of New Zion Baptist Church in August 2015.
The First Family
Dr. Massey is the loving husband of Mrs. Kabie L. Massey. To this union, they have two sons, Master Thomas E. Massey, III and Baby Tate L Massey.
The Charge
Dr. Massey believes that to be effective in ministry and kingdom building, he must continue to follow the charge given in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.”
The First Lady

Educational Accomplishments
Over the years of life, Dr. Massey has earned many degrees for the advancement of church leadership, but none of them exceed the relationship with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is a graduate of Paul M. Dorman High School; a graduate of the Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science in Cincinnati, Ohio with an Associates of Applied Science Degree in Mortuary Science; a graduate from N.J. Brockman School of Religion in Greenville, South Carolina with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies; a graduate of Anderson University in Anderson, South Carolina with a Master’s of Ministry Degree; and a graduate from the Carolina College of Theology in Spartanburg, South Carolina with a Doctorate Degree in Theology.
Church Affiliations
Dr. Massey is currently the Senior Pastor of New Zion Baptist Church of Spartanburg, SC where the motto: is “A Christ Centered Church Reaching The World.” Dr. Massey is a member of Harrison Grove Baptist Church in Roebuck, SC under the leadership of the Late Reverend Dr. Leon Rector. Under Dr. Rector’s leadership, he served in various capacities to support kingdom building. As Dr. Massey continued to faithfully serve the Lord though teaching, singing, and worshipping, the Lord called him into ministry. He was licensed to preach in 2008. In 2011, Dr. Massey was ordained under the Tyger River Baptist Association. He was also elected by man and appointed by God to pastor the Hebron Baptist Church in Clinton, SC.
The First Family

Dr. Massey is employed at the J.W. Woodward Funeral Home, Inc. in Spartanburg, SC, where he serves as a Licensed Funeral Director. He has ministered to many families within the funeral profession for twenty years.
Dr. Massey serves as a member of the National Baptist Convention U.S.A. Incorporated; member of The Baptist E&M Convention of South Carolina; member of the Tyger River Baptist Association where he serves a the president of the Congress of Christian Education; South Carolina Morticians Association; member of Spartanburg Interfaith Alliance (Spartanburg County Foundation); and a past member of the Tumbling Shoals Baptist Association. He also served as a member of the Advisory Board and Disaster Board of Spartanburg Regional Medical Center.
Dr. Massey is the author of a phenomenal book entitled, “Can Jesus Heal Today like He Did in the Bible Days?”